Executive Summery
Currently, about 40% of the milk production in Sri Lanka is procured locally and the shortage 60% is imported. Sri Lanka is currently spending over Rs 45 billion annually on milk imports. The main factor influencing this import is the incapacity of country’s production of the required milk quantities.
Presently, there are nearly one million dairy cows in the country, and it is expected to generate approximately 385 million liters of milk annually. The average dairy cow is expected to generate over 3 liters of milk per day, however, well grown cow expected to generate over 10 to 15 liters of milk per day.
The experts’ opinion is that well nutritious animal feed will be the solution to generate milk in large quantities with improved quality. The maize silage is expected to institute with high nutritious value with appealing taste for cow. Hence, it is expected that the maize silage production for livestock food in Sri Lanka would be the right path to solve the milk production.