Executive Summery
The agriculture is a major income source for most of the poorest country’s national economy, and the earnings largely reflects through exports means. The growth in agriculture often progress rural economy’s status as it is set the stage to connect with relevant stakeholders together in rural community, which helps to improve their productivity and incomes in many ways.
The coconut cultivation is one of the common and popular agriculture crops among the farming community across the globe for many decades, in particular with Sri Lankan agriculture sector, currently country enjoy as fourth largest coconut producer to the world market. However, the most amount of export income derives either by raw based coconut kernel or desiccated coconut exports, and coconut value added products are yet at an infant stage. The value-added coconut products export earnings are reported to 40% in comparison to its total export earnings in Y2019, in keeping with demand, but high value coconut food and beverage products are not.